
By dieseldaisy

J&G Meakin, studio : Topic

There are lots of reasons for posting a blip. Sometimes you take a picture of a pet looking sweet or a gorgeous sunset and wait for the fuzzy glow as people appreciate your perceptiveness and skill at capturing the moment. Sometimes you count your comments and think gosh I am clever (nothing wrong with that either). Sometimes however you have to post because it helps remind you what makes you happy.

These plates make me happy. Initially a friend (who knows me better than I thought she did) brought home a milk jug and a sugar bowl. I then purchased cup and sucer to match on e-bay. Last week in a charity shop I discovered six 'fruit' bowls, six breakfast bowl and a vegetable serving dish for £2! I could hardly hide the greedy glow in my face as I paid and ran. Now I have bought two side plates and three dinner plates on e-bay and should have them home next week. After having a long long time using only Woolies cheapest white crockery it feels lovely to use what is good quality studio ware. The unique and lovely 1960s pattern ensures that only 1% of the population (which doesn't include the other people who live in my house incidentally) really appreciate it and so it is perennially cheap. Good thing I am in charge of crockery purchases.

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