Hovering, not hoovering
A few too many painkillers yesterday, I think, led to a long lie in today. 11.30 before I woke up. Once the fug of sleep lifted (after two cups of tea, some thoughtfully provided Greggs doughnuts and the Guardian) I was guilted out of my drug-addled haze into some work. Kids' playroom sorted (sort of), plants planted, washing done. Still, nothing really properly finished or achieved and - with the hoover glowering at me with boredom - I think tomorrow will have to be a housework kind of day.
Shoulder/neck/back still very sore, but less than yesterday. So I'm hoping if I ignore it and try to sit up straight, I'll be fine by Monday. If not I'll head off to the physio. Thanks for all your concern and tips yesterday, I was particularly intrigued by the thought of the fireman having to rescue me from the bath...
Popped out into the garden to get a photo of the sweet peas, which have finally begun to flower. But this hoverfly was more fun, resting for a while on the tomato planter for a quick wash and brush up. I suppose one day I will have to accept that my macro lens needs a tripod, but for now we'll just go with the half blurry/dof stuff, yeah?
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