Grandma's pictures

By FarawayGrandma

what it's all about..

Our family reunion was last week and then we had a week with middle daughter & her three beauties. Sharing his time and space is not easy for FG but they all did wonderfully. He's not able to always join in all the fun so he feels left out on occasion but this was an exceptional week. The girls made a point of bringing home a few french fries and popcorn shrimp "because they are Grandpa's favorites".

We cooked & ate, drank gallons of hot cocoa with a mountain of whipped cream, washed a gazillion loads of dishes and clothes, mended and shopped for school clothes, planned sewing projects for the year (to keep me out of trouble), read books, visited the library, went to church (including Auntie Di's children's liturgy & do-nuts, of course) visited with relatives ("it's all relative if you are an Ory"), sorted coins, played on computer, taped to the ipods, enjoyed Grandpa's cats & trains, fed the birds, painted ceramics, colored pictures, slept a little, missed their Daddy, watched videos & Disney channel, talked and talked some more.

didn't take near enough pictures and yet it's still hard to choose one for each day - why is that? this one won out because they are having such fun, even though we were saying goodbye.

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