Hello Grandma and Grandad, Orla Calling!

Last year Grandma and Grandad bought us a webcam so that we could keep in touch via video link. I was too young to do it at the time, but Dad thought that I was ready to interact with Grandma and Grandad now so this morning he set up Skype. It was a big success. Dad thinks it's funny that the first thing I decided to do with all of this new technology at my disposal was blow raspberries at Grandma and Grandad! We had a lovely long chat. Grandma and Grandad held up Millie so that I could see her and I called out my requests and Grandma played the tunes for me on the piano.

Here's a video clip of our chat!

We went to the Craigmarloch Lodge for lunch. Here's another video of me getting cleaned up by Mum.

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