Dog days of summer

The mercury is hovering at 100°F/38°C in the shade. Even the cicadas are saying: "What the hell," because that is what it feels like. I hate heat, especially this suffocating, headache and nausea inducing, clinging-to-your skin, steam-your-lens-up-instantly, humid kind.

Now, if you're from Kenya, like my beautiful neighbor, you think that you've just arrived in heaven. It's so much like home that you are out there in shorts, soaking it up and gardening without breaking a sweat.

My European roots are really showing today.

Not to be all cranky and complainy because it is lovely and cool inside where I plan to spend much of the day catching up with file back-up and all the other mind-numbing tasks I always save for days like today. I feel really sorry for anyone who has no choice but to put up with this because they have no AC.

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