In Brief, for once...

By JaxI

Settling Old Debts


My sister arrived in Japan today.

I can't speak for other siblings, but at least in our case, the love is unconditional, but the grudges are longstanding. Like the time I allegedly wrote "this belongs to Jacqueline E Kyle" on all her Christmas presents (I say allegedly, because I have no recollection of this), or the time she drew on the kitchen wall with black felt pen and then told Mum it was me, and I took the rollicking (this definitely happened). 30 years later, we still bring them up when necessary.

A few years ago, my sister was due to arrive in Japan. My mother had arrived first, and we were thinking about baking. I mentioned it to Fi and she said she fancied a nice chocolate fudge cake, so I said I'd have one waiting for her when she arrived.

I duly got into the kitchen like a good sister, and produced a fudge cake of mouthwatering standard, if I do say so myself. It was so good in fact that me and Mum had scarfed the lot before Fi even arrived. She has been casting it up ever since.

Here is the chocolate fudge cake me and M made for Aunty Fi's arrival.

Debt settled.

And she hardly ate any of it.

So we had to oblige....

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