
By Pix

Maughold grave yard

I met a client this morning at Maughold, a rather remote and beautiful bit of the Island. After the meeting I walked to the churchyard where there is a collection of Celtic crosses dating from the 6th to 13th Century and I photographed some of them with the intention of making today's blip. But I also took just a couple of the graveyard which is rather dramatic and picturesque with a wonderful backdrop of the coast and the sea. I really like the shape of the tree in the background to this picture.

I then drove to Douglas where I met the other adults in our contingent at Greens for lunch (the subject of this blip), where copious amounts of salad, potatoes, and quiche were consumed, with gallons of tea, and finished with an old fashioned and delicious fruit crumble and cream.

The afternoon brought more work for me, some estate agent nagging and an hour on my beach (you know the one by now) with my book during an all too rare spot of sunshine.

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