Colin Parte

By ColinParte


This tool, this weapon, this implement sits ready in anticipation of it's next mission. This evening, that mission was "dessert logistics". Now before anyone thinks I've been dispatched to Iraq or Afghanistan to open a Tesco Express, please note there's an extra 's' in there.

The dessert in question was Peach, Raspberry and Apple Crumble with Cinnamon Custard. The spoon did itself proud. It's a great example of Sheffield Steel to all the other lesser cutlery quivering in the drawer.

"We'll meeeet again, don't know wheeere, don't know wheeeen....but I know we'll meet again some suuuny daaay!" Yes, we will...probably tomorrow evening in the Salthouse Restaurant, chum.

Stand by your beds!

(Have I lost my mind? Probably.)

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