Hoppy Days

By hoppydays


Kerr is 11 months old today. This time last year I had just finished work for maternity leave, and was waddling around waiting for all the excitement to happen :-)

Kerr's favourite saying is 'Oh!'. He does it whenever he sees something of interest, which can include cars, trees, books, toys, milk, snacks, Fudge - anything really! It is usually accompanied by pointing. I really should tell him it's rude to point.

This month's main achievements have been:

pointing and saying 'Oh!'
climbing the stairs
becoming very interested in books - particularly those with photos of animals, babies, toys etc
continued cruising

He is still reluctant to walk holding hands - he just collapses his legs and crawls away very fast!

Kerr accompanied me to a hospital appointment this morning as I had no available babysitters. Hmm, think I will leave him at home the next time! He missed his morning nap so was quite grumpy after we waited 30 minutes to be seen. However, the doctor was really nice and very understanding. She insisted he come out of the buggy and crawl around the consulting room. He almost pulled the computer cable out of the wall, oops! She then blew up a rubber glove into a 'balloon' and drew a face on it, which Kerr was delighted with. It's nice to know there are some doctors who are actually human, and know what it's like to have a baby to run around after!

Other exciting new is that kerrsauntielisa joined blip today, yay!
Here is a link to her journal.

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