The first steps?

Left early in the morning to Nauvo. Took the early ferry to Hanka (Rymättylä) and drove to a summer cottage of my cousin's parents-in-law. There was the name giving ceremony of my cousin's little prince.

Lovely scene for such an event.

Lovely summer cottage. Lovely people.

Unfortunately we had to rush back to Nauvo, as the only feasible ferry back left a bit early for us. We did catch the ferry on time. In the evening, after dinner, my parents left to the summer cottage in Mid-Finland (my mother-in-law's).

After they left, I tried to 'fix' the internet here.

I should be removed all my credentials to touch any such device. I'm rather good in messing things up.

Surprisingly I did not do anything fatal, as the connection worked on the next day.

The little princess is wearing the dress she had in the ceremony. This is bought to her by a ex-colleague of my dear wife. Finally the little princess has grown so the this does not look huge.

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