Laura's Blips

By laurabanks


This beautiful wee cat has been living with us since Saturday, we think she is about 6 or 7 months old.

My brother brought her here as she had been loitering around my Grans house for over a week and was very hungry and sad.

We called the SSPCA who came out and said they couldn't uplift her as she is neither ill, injured or emaciated. They suggested we put her back as someone may be looking for her, I said I would keep her overnight and get her checked to see if she had a chip in the morning.

So we took her to the animal home on Sunday morning to be scanned. The good news was she is indeed chipped, the bad news the registered owner (who was from a town just outside our own) claimed he had given her to someone from another town over 20 miles away (and over the Clyde for that matter!) so it seems she has been dumped.

We took her home and, thankfully, have found someone who is very happy to give her a home.

She is such a good natured wee cat, very affectionate and now that she has a full tummy is getting more playful!

I will be sad to see her leave tomorrow night, I will miss her, however my two old cats feel very differently!

When this wee cat arrived on Saturday my daughter named her Daisy. When we had her chip scanned the details that came back said her name was...Daisy! And her new owner saw a picture of her, didn't know what we were calling her or what her given name was, and had decided to call her Daisie!!

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