Mr B takes a break
Busy day. Today we started tackling The Big Window. Our bedroom in this house has a very big window, which overlooks the main road. We've pondered for weeks how to curtain/cover it to provide light and sound insulation. Last week the plan was hatched and today the scaffolding (I did say big) and materials were due to arrive. Good day then for the powers that be to resurface the road outside our house. So, aside from the horrendous early morning noise, this meant all scaffolding and materials being hoisted over the side fence.
So, a day of teamwork: Mr B has the building knowledge, I chip in with hard labour and logic when his runs out, and the kids stay well out of the way. Here Mr B is taking a short break on the top level of the scaffold and contemplating the future. Which involved a lot of drilling, fixing and sawing.
I popped out with the kids in the afternoon to a soft play centre that is conveniently just down the road. Loud place. Mr B had been last week, and recommended headphones. Very sensible. I think one of the things I'm really enjoying about iPods and the like is that you can have all the versions you might want of one song, and compare them one after the other. This might sound like an odd game, but I rather enjoy it. So, after a burst of Nirvana to attune my senses, I listened to all the versions I had of Mack the Knife (only three). I do love this song, and think its popularity is particularly impressive since it was written (I've heard) as the curtain was about to go up on the musical of which it is part (The Threepenny Opera).
For what it's worth, I can't not like Ella Fitzgerald's version where she forgets the words, but for the song itself it has to be Bobby Darin.
There you go. I'm sure you all wanted to know that.
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