Escaping Erebus

By Escaping_Erebus

Fishing Shallow Waters

I saw a man
Off the side of the pier

Fishing for a fish
And then...
His cell phone rang

He picked it up
And began talking

Cell phone in one hand
Fishing pole in the other

And then...
The tip of his pole
Started bending

He got a bite

And then...

He said
To the person on the phone

'Let me call you back,
I've got someone on the other line'

-Renda Writer


Just a bit of small humour! ;o) I thought it was a cute poem to go along with it. Even though they weren't talking on cellphones.

There was an apple festival today in Bowmanville Ontario. My family and I went for a drive out there and had good fun. Walking down towards the town these fellas were standing in the shallow water. They seemed pretty content today - it was raining. I hear that's good for fishing. But hey, I'm a vegetarian, what do I know about these things right? haha. The picture looks nice anyway.

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