Just Simply Loving!

By nursingchronicl

Stop, Pause, Go

Have you had a day feeling hard-pressed on all sides? It's like you are encased in a fish aquarium and everybody just wants a piece or a bite of you? I call this "Piranha" moments.

It was like that today.

I had to take my eldest son to the GP this morning to consult a prolonged fever. He was prescribed with antibiotics for a week (thank heavens for Medicare!). Bought the medications at the Chemist's and had to rush back home to meet up with the plumber to have the garden retic fixed. Had to work straight away so lunch was fast and instant. In the middle of an extremely busy shift, my husband called and notified me that my daughter has spiked a temperature as well.

The worst part is that I'm tied and can't just get off, and knowing the happenings at home is the most frustrating!

In the middle of it all, I just had to stop and drop everything, pause for a deep breath, and utter a short prayer. When I have gained enough strength, I proceed and go about my work, assured in my heart that my kids are in good hands and will be alright.

God's grace is sufficient. This too will soon come to pass.

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