Bezoomny devotchka

Well she'd have to be bloody bezoomny to stand in the miserable weather for at least an hour promoting her show.

It was another day in town for me. The morning at the spa goes without saying then off to the high street for blippage and to collect the tickets for the three shows I'm going to with either Roz or Maddy so far (Roz and I are going to Brendon Burns in the fringe and Anthony Bourdain in the book festival, Maddy and I are going to see the Penny dreadfuls which was recommended by a friend if anyone's interested).

Lots of good photos today but the best were either of the people promoting Oliver Twist and this devotchka and her colleagues promoting A Clockwork Orange. I opted for this one since it gave me a chance to include a Nadsat title. Admittedly none of them looked particularly like teh usual image of Alex or his friends, they did all have oranges though....

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