Emma Kathryn Luther

By luther

When apples go bad!

The mighty apple.

A lunchbox favourite. Little known fact - it's also a city foxes favourite snack.

Another little known fact - it doesn't agree well with their digestive systems and makes them poop all over the place.

So, I get home from work and what do I do?

I scoop fox poop from ALL over the garden. DISGUSTING.

Then I have to, along with my trusty flatmate, pick up the dozens and dozens of fallen apples (that I promised myself I'd turn into cider) to deprive those pesky city foxes of their midnight snack.

It's a thankless task and one we're now going to have to do every day thanks to our big, beautiful, blooming apple tree.

But I guess picking up fallen apples every day is WAY better than scooping stinking fox poop!!

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