
By AnnelieHberg

Jennifer, 19.

I am overwhelmed by the respons on my yesterday blip.

We talked about it today, me and my angel and it is like she is lighter somehow. I am as well but i had a hard time to sleep last night. Writing about it made me go thru it all, emotional, once again and i am to be honest pretty exhausted, emotional exhausted in a good way, if that makes sense.

i decided today to let my emotions rest, for a whole day.

Todays photo is a coworker. Her name is Jennifer and she is lovely. Fun, full of tricks and fresh ideas and the kids just ADORE her. I asked her if i could take a portrait of her coz i need to step out of my family and try. She agreed and I tried. I took some wonderful photos of her looking out of the window but then some kids discovered what we did and started to ask and talk. She then, moved her head and looked at them and CLICK, here we go...

I also need to try step out of my comfort zone and here is the result. I am not sure what i think about it but Jempa, as the kids and we call her, is a sweet, loving and funny young woman!

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