Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

Abstract #1

A bit of a creative play this evening, so the shot has ended up resembling something closer to a painting. I kinda like it.

Caught the World Press Photo exhibition that is on at the Scottish Parliament today - incredibly powerful stuff. Witness and testimony - such a powerful voice through those images.

Then went to the lecture on documenting climate change, with some amazing photographers - here's the blurb to describe it: "Many photo journalists are now working co-operatively with scientists, campaigners and stakeholder groups to catalogue the impacts of climate change and draw attention to the relevant issues. Join award winning photographers Mathias Braschler and Monika Fischer, and photographer and founder of the Hard Rain Project Mark Edwards as they discuss what photo journalism may add to the climate change debate."

It was really interesting, but didn't really give me the insight I was looking for in terms of the question that really concerns me - some of the shots are obviously shocking, showing the devastation we have caused on the planet. BUT, do those shots motivate us to act, or do they lead us further into powerlessness - "it's so big and awful I can't do anything."?? Do we motivate through love or fear? A desire to nurture or a desire to stop making it worse. I'm conflicted on this, and remain so after the event..

Did get a chance to speak to Mark Edwards though - hadn't realised he was such an eminent photographer - wow...this is his current project called Hard Rain - worth watching the wee film - especially if you like Dylan and photography!

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