Ben's View

By bendobb

Make hay whilst the sun shines.

And yes, sometime, just sometimes, the sun even shines here in Aberdeenshire. Not often mind, but now and then.

Today looked a very nice day actually. Which always makes being a work a little bit more depressing! But I finished work just in time to see me gorgeous little daughter for a few minutes before she went to sleep. In fact she was a bit cry-y before bedtime tonight so I got to do my favourite of things - hold her wee hands and hum until her eyes gently fall shut.

My wife is off playing a gig in a pub tonight so I'm on baby-patrol. Fingers crossed she sleeps till she's back - if not I'm armed with a bottle of formula milk in the fridge (which will probably be useless - she's never taken a bottle!)

Keep it blip.

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