Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Over the rooftops

Its been a funny sort of day, weather wise. Absolute torrential rain followed by glorious sunshine. It was actually the worst rain rain I remember seeing in Edinburgh and yet people weren't driving with their lights on??!?! Its honestly beyond me how people expect you to see them in heavy rain if they don't have them on grrr...

On a happier note I made my first sale at work today. Until this week I've really been mainly on the research side of the job but have started on the sales side and am very chuffed with myself. It was basically handed to me by my boss but who's paying attention to that eh? ;)

On an EVEN happier note, it was a year today that the lovely Acronymphomania first popped into my life. And still a year on he puts up with me....shocking.

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