Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle

Flight of the Phoenix

This little plane was scabbed together from two other planes that Z and E had fun crashing several years ago. The broken pieces were nostalgically sitting in the top of my closet which I was cleaning out today. A was willing to attempt a repair with clear plastic packing tape. You are witnessing a successful flight.

Many thanks to Flick for teaching me to lie down on the ground to get a good perspective.

Many thanks to Scintilla who 40 years ago helped me launch similar balsa wood rubber powered craft off the front porch at our grandmother's house. Scintilla morphed his interest in flight into a radio controlled model airplane hobby, then a private pilots license and subsequently a distinguished career in the Air Force where he was unfortunately too tall to fly. I jumped out of a few airplanes when in college, and have maintained a desire to one day fly sailplanes. In the meantime I get to watch A have fun.

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