Nicola Picola

By nicolapicola

Flatmate fate

I really feel like fate draws me to the best people in life. I don't know how it happens, but my social circle, all be it small, is full to the brim of very special people.

I am only getting to know Emma, having lived with her for just three months, but already she had enriched my life.

Whilst frantically searching for a flat for my big move to Bristol, I came across her and Josie's advert on Gumtree. It was the only one I looked at and I could tell right away these girls were the ones for me. So strong was the feeling that I didn't bother looking for anywhere else and agreed to move in before even viewing what turned out to be the gorgeous flat itself.

Moving away from your loved ones is always difficult, but Emma has helped make me feel right at home. She's so wonderfully positive, it's contagious, her laugh is infectious and her zest for life is one to be desired.

She's overcome the toughest thing I could ever imagine - and the thing I fear most - but if I can come out the other side like she has, I'll know it's because a part of her spirit has rubbed off on me.

Emma, thank you for rubbing!

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