Dutch Skies

By RonBuist


This is the first 'daddy day' after our holiday. Martine is at work and I'm at home with the girls. Back to the routine we had before the holiday... The girls are still enjoying their summer break.

This morning we went to see my parents. It was only a short visit as they both had appointments somewhere else. Ellis really enjoyed watching the chickens in the henhouse and didn't want to leave really. Once we got home she didn't want to go to bed but she has been sleeping for three hours now. I think I will wake her up so she won't have trouble sleeping tonight. When she's awake we can go places because it's a really a beautiful day and I would like to go for a walk to the small forest near our village.

So why is this blip titled 'Routine'? Well, first of all this first 'daddy day' after the holiday marks the return to the usual routine. Besides that, I'm also getting into the routine of taking pictures of butterflies. There are so many in our summer lilac right now, exactly like last week. This time I used the compact camera because it has a great macro setting which, if I may say so myself, worked out rather well in this shot. This is straight out of the camera: no crop, no adjustments, nothing. Don't want to take full credit for that though: the camera is doing brightness, saturation and other stuff automatically...

Definitely better in large!

Almost weekend; hope you're having a fabulous Friday!

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