Planko's Pics

By planko

Lovely intelligent person


Family Planko attended the blip meet in Edinburgh this evening. It was all very secret, no one knew what it was going to be before the event. We turned up and stood outside inspace with everyone else until Joe opened the door at 6pm exactly. Once inside, it turned out to be a James Bond/Austin Powers themed event. We were sent on a mission to track down three *secret agents* (blippers in disguise), get some secret codes from them, get back to blip HQ, decode, then disable a *bomb* from exploding. We all really enjoyed it. Mrs P thinks i'm a big kid, as i got right into whispering the secret code to all three agents!

Apparently there is a prize for the first blipper to upload a pic of one of the agents...i think i was the first. Who says Iphones are useless?


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