Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

Earth to earth....

.....ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection into eternal life.

This is the tomb of Lady Anne Grimston who it is claimed said on her deathbed that "If indeed there is life after death, trees will render asunder my tomb".

Not sure whether in that life there will be blipping or pub quizzes, but there is a rather weak connection to this week's quiz. Our last effort was on 23rd July where we had a fairly dire performance, whereas this week we won by a clear two points - obviously having a couple of weeks off gave us time to cram in all those extra facts.

So only eight (quite an improvement on fourteen) questions this week for you to ponder to see whether you could have improved our score:

1. Founded in 1098 in the French town of Cîteaux, and following an especially strict form of Benedictine rule, by what other name is a White Monk known?
2. Which snowboarding term means that the board is ridden backwards?
3. Who was Man of the Match in England's 2nd Test win over Pakistan?
4. Four English, three Scottish and one Welsh river share which same name?
5. Which is the densest planet in the solar system?
6. What is the maximum capacity of one of the London Eye ferris wheel pods?
7. Which TV talent show does Emma Bunton present?
8. Lyme disease takes its name from a town in which country?

And now the plug for Andrew (who's good enough to email me the above so's I don't have to type them out:

The quiz is well & enjoyably run by Andrew and as his website says "If you're in London, Essex, Herts, Beds or Bucks - Want to hold a quiz event but can't find a quiz master? - Want a fun evening?" Then give him a call.

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