Polaroid Blips

By PolaroidBlips

Give me something nice to look at

Uneventful day. Which was nice, after yesterday's unexpected meeting.

It was slightly after midnight and I was going to bed. I noticed my two cats were focused on a specific corner of "their" room, where some books are piled.

Getting closer, I noticed Luba trying to reach something behind one of the book towers. A hunch told me something was wrong and after calling R, some of the books were moved. Hidden by some magazines, a big, ugly, disgusting cockroach was trying to go unnoticed.

With all the heat, we had seen cockroaches on the street, by the gutters, and some by our building street-door, but we weren't expecting one inside the house. And this was a big one, almost the size of my index finger.

After the initial shock, we went for the pesticide and sprayed the small-yet-too-big bug. It died after a not too amusing tapdance.

We moved here less than 4 months ago and we clean our house regularly, so we're assuming it came from a window right next to where it was found, that was opened all day long.

We have now taken some measures, but the security we had walking barefeet around the house is gone. And I don't want to think of my cats catching and trying to eat a cockroach. It's not a pretty image.

I could have taken a picture of the dead bug, but right now what we need is a soft and conforting image. So, here's this trees I pass by everyday, on the bus to work.

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