
By Instography

Village Gala II

Yes, the culmination of the week of activities is the gala which this year was on the green in Charlestown. Lovely day for it with the sun blazing down. Always great fun - there's bouncy castles for the kids, teacup ride for the wee ones, crafts, tea (and beer) tent, burgers, pony rides and cycling stunt team The Clan.

Caught a glimpse of Silverback photographing the stunt team and saw plenty of Bob haring around with her pals.

Highlight was the Stompers. The happiest, liveliest bunch of musicians around who played light jazzy numbers perfect for a summer's day. Their audience was wild, as you can see.

Oh, and Limekilns trashed Charlestown in the tug of war. Again. As ever.

Make it large to get a good look at their faces.

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