
By PlanW

She's A Maneater ...

Terrible blip but that's all I got, baby!

Spent all day in this hallway, sometimes up the ladder, sometimes down it. When the Festival's on!! I know, I feel inner shame about it myself but I've put it off for so long that today's the day (and tomorrow sadly).

I am painting (no sh*t). The colour is not green as it looks, its Eau de Nil I'll 'ave you know. So bluey-greeny-grey colour, depending on where you stand. There's no natural light so it's like walking throught the Greenwich tunnel, only without the buskers.

I just realised that now the hall is blue-ish, its the third room in the house to be light blue , it's a little bit too Man City - it'll feel like living in one of Francis Lee's suits.

I've done a lot of things properly, taken the coat hooks down (man's work) instead of painting round them, but I have left the picture hooks up as it took so long to get them right. I've taken pictures of what goes where so I can put them back. Not as daft as I look.

If the verticals look pished here, its not the photo, it's the house, there's not a straight line in it. However, having listened to the radio for the last 12 hours and heard the bulletins about floods, fires and landslides and the ads appealing for aid, I feel very lucky to have it.

Maneater, HALL and Oates, 80's sometime, see what I did there?

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