
By shutterbugsue

Land Tortoise

I did not have to go anywhere today to get my blip. I was sitting at my computer and looked out the window and saw this little fellow. He had recently climbed out of his hole because he still had that red Florida dirt on his shell.
When I was a child we called them Gophers.
They are a protected species and you may not keep them as pets. Also in the state of Florida it is illegal to remove or relocate one if you find them. You may remove them out of harms way but not from their location. If they are badly injured you may take them to a Wildlife Rehabilitation Center.
Thank you to all that commented on my recent blips and some of you for subscribing. Also just learning but three of mine were recently favourited.
Thank you to all.
Almost forgot I think the heat index is 110 degrees today glad this little fellow came along.

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