
By Nigel

Caron's Final Day Outing

Hastily taken by a rather drunken me at around 5 to midnight this is Caron. Caron is the latest to leave my current employer's employ. That makes 7 in the 6 months I have been there, not including me, and apparently 9 this year. An incredibly high turnover!

We all (10 of us) met up in Bramble for cocktails before heading over to The Famous Spiegeltent We queued for an age but once in I was impressed. It was my fiorst time there on an evening having only once before attended the Fred MacAulay breakfast radio show that was being broadcast from it many years ago. It is much better at night than at 9AM!

A most enjoyable and revealing evening, half the people i was with I'd never really spoken to socially before. Haroon was especially good fun and he is in to making music on computer so we hit it right off, now I feel like it is almost a shame to be leaving (not!)

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