Gail's Daily Tales

By gailsdailytales


There are two stories linked to this wardrobe, one comical and one grotesque.

As you can see, the wardrobe is missing a door. As it is becoming increasingly difficult to launch myself out of bed, I've got into the habit of 'grabbing' things to aid me. Who would have thought that this particular wardrobe door was so flimsy that is would perish under my huge bulk?

And what do you do with a wardrobe minus a door, apart from show the world your pyjamas and some Mr Sheen?

Ok, now for the grotesque (look away).

Remember yesterday when I said that the house seemed to be filled with a million buzzing blue bottles? Well I kept 'disposing' of them, and more would magically appear. Now either Paul Daniels (head as wide as it is tall) was hiding somewhere with his magic wand, or we had a serious problem.

Then I remembered.

A few weeks back the cats had brought in a bird and released it in the bedroom. I incorrectly assumed that it had departed through the open windows. What I DIDN'T foresee, was a dead rotting carcass under the wardrobe laden with maggots.

I can't write any more about it for fear of vomiting on the keyboard. Foul.

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