Bryan 'J' Norfolk

By Bryanj


Firstly I am becoming concerned about a fellow BlipperMY MEMORY BOX,I suppose we all have our 'regulars' who look in daily and some drop in occasionally,well My Memory Box was one of the regular visitors to my journal.
Now i know that she took a short holiday and I also know that she had an accident but the last communication I had from her was to say that she was OK and would be back blipping very soon ........its now about 10-12 weeks since I heard from her and just wondered if anyone on here knows anything more about her to put my mind at rest.

I contacted Blip central and due to privacy and legislation they are unable to contact her or give me any information,so if you know anything about her please let me know xxxthanks Bryan
Back to todays blip,well there are some questions here ;
1 What kind of ducks are being represented on the road sign
2 Is it the ducks that are slow or
3 is it motorists who are to slow down........answers on a post card please and if not perhaps DaveH could throw some light on this dilemma.enjoy the rest of the weekend xxb

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