On Top Of The World

An array of cousins and family followed Aunt Dido back to my house from the beach this afternoon. They feasted and made use of my wiffle ball field. (I didn't join in on the feasting because I had just had lunch with Mr Twass and AnthonyDarling).

Dennis and Julia (pictured above) informed me that they had never been in a blipfoto before. I was quite adamant about the fact that they had to have been in one at some point over the past 421 days...But alas I was proved wrong after having a quick look at the overview of my blips. So I promised them that they could be in one if they thought of something good enough. And thus here they are on top of the swingset in my yard.

This is a bit late being put up cause I was too tired when I got home from my; as Julia called it many times "stripping party". Although I assure you everyones clothing remained on for the entirety of the night last night. Who puts these ideas in childrens heads.

"Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe."
-Gail Devers

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