Ready, steady.....DROP!!

If only.

Between events at the bookfestival we strolled the busy Princes Street gardens and watched another set of adrenaline diners being lifted to 100' and fed with -

*Pressed pork and caramelised shallot terrine with baby capers and whole grain mustard
* Smoked Scottish salmon with spicy pear chutney
* Mixed leaf summer salad with a soft herb dressing
* A taste of Arran cheese selection with Stornoway water biscuits

and champagne.

Mrs AB reckoned the diners would probably survive if dropped or the crane failed, but would all suffer varying spinal injuries. Their champagne would get spilt aswell.

I preferred my cheese sandwich on the grass thanks. Beautiful day for it.

We found a Blackberry on the way home. Anyone got any suggestions about how to get it back to the rightful owner? We've called the number listed as 'Home' in the Contacts list but just got voicemail. If it was mine I would be desperately trying to ring it to find out where it was.

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