Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

Free Range Lyra

We were a bit shocked when we woke up in Kendal this morning and found that the sun was shining. In our home here we have no end of umbrellas and wet weather gear... but what on earth do you do in the Lake District when the sun shines?...

We went to Fell Foot, a beautiful National Trust park and Lyra had a wonderful time crawling far and wide and keeping plenty of people entertained. Whilst we were there, we finally conceded that Lyra said her first word. She has been saying Mum and Dada for a while now but not necessarily showing that she knew what they meant until today, as Lyra was hurtling towards Tom she pointed and exclaimed "Dada!" So I think we have to give her that one. So the bets are all in and the verdict is 8 months and 28 days.... so we all underestimated Lyra - but in all fairness, this time last month she was practically mute.

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