
By chocaddict


Thats my blip number 265, one hundred more and I hit number 365 !
When I started blipping I would not have believed that I would carry on for such a long time!
Although I consider myself far beyond the the point where I could call myself a decent photographer I like to blip something nice every day.
Blipping has been the only bridge to some kind of artistic work and I would very much love to keep it up for another while.
And, now that my chocolate addiction is no longer a secret I feel much lighter, not literaturally of course..
Sometimes I quite struggle what to blip, at other occasions I start to experience a strange kind of ambitious feeling growing in me..
Well whatever, I love blipping, I love the sense of community here, I adore some of the blippers deeply- wont tell which ones..- and hope that I will be able to be part of this nice congregation of the wholy hearted blippingness!

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