
By sweetie

Today's blip is one of three local high rises which are due for demolition in the near future. This is the only one that's empty and therefore semi-interesting, however I'm going to attempt to find out the date of the demolition (which I assume is going to be a proper things-going-boom sort of affair) so that I can get some shots of that.

Despite the depressing image above, today was quite a good day - my friend gave birth to a healthy baby girl, I had an excellent pre-holiday haircut, and I managed to get a decent bit of packing done.

Those who know me know my paranoia about things going wrong and my obsessive/compulsive need to plan and organise, so to keep it under control I now have two copies of all my email confirmations, room booking receipts, airline tickets, photocopies of our passports etc. Organising just makes me happy :-)

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