Sea Urchin

By seaurchin


Sometimes it's great to have family close by and last night it was a real blessing to have my sister here. Nick was very ill with a recurrence of his Crohns and we ended up driving to A&E in the early hours. It was good to know that she would be there for the children when they woke and it was something less to worry about. We returned home to some very relieved children and Nick went straight to bed to try and rest.

Having had no sleep last night I feel absolutely shattered, but when you have children the show must go on! Rowan departed for her best friends birthday do and the rest of us spent a quiet afternoon chatting, eating cake and taking some photos. Fran was supposed to be leaving for home today but decided to stay another night just in case Nick worsened again. I am secretly pleased as it puts off saying goodbye until tomorrow - which I am not looking forward to.

Now we are curled up on the sofas watching The Grocers Son eating chocolate digestives (with peanut butter spread on :)

Fingers crossed for a quiet night.

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