
By oryk


Scenes from a day in transit:
a young boy runs in circles around th gate benches singing "I like to move it, move it", stopping to wiggle violently every few seconds

magazine headlines side by side, Wired:"Why we still don't have robot servants" and Popular Science: "Your helper 'bot has arrived"

a morning crossword with both "satan" and "evil" answers

airport kao soi

record car-to-gate time, to arrive early to a delayed flight

a Starbucks experience: a mother and young son arguing over coffee, a brother carrying his little sister's luggage and earns his chocolate milk, conspiratorial smiles from a woman who got a large for a medium, a sign encouraging obnoxious orders, quiet arrogance, and airline stanchions

waiting room: Skype calls, confusing family rendezvous, cell phone whining, and generally absurd people

Facebook madness

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