laughing all the while

By laughing

goodbye to a friend

i used to work at an animal sanctuary. almost 6 years ago someone dropped off a very old, sick toy poodle because he could not hold his bladder the 10 or so hours they were at work. he immediately adopted me, even though i kept telling him i did not want or need a poodle. despite being completely blind, at at that point, almost deaf, he followed me all over the farm. he cried when i left, jumped up when i returned, and just overall made himself an adorable pest. i convinced ron that i should adopt him "so his last days could be good ones". they were. i made sure of that today.
he seemed like a train wreck, he got a lot of "aww, poor guy" type comments. but he was not a charity case, despite his many handicaps. he was a sweet, funny little guy with a huge personalty. he loved (and hated) his garfield bed.he hated pepsi boxes. he loved freshly cut grass in the sun. he liked to lick the ottoman. he loved clean (and dirty) laundry. he loved anything soft to lay on. he loved pizza. he loved me.
to say i will miss him is such an understatement, it is ridiculous. but what else can i say? i will miss him.

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