Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

Nine Month Review

Lyra is pictured here with Ellen. The two of them are very intrigued by each other and enjoyed reading eating a book together this morning.

Motor Skills
*Lyra is now a whizz with her baby walker and spends hours walking up and down
*Lyra occasionally stands for up to 30 seconds unaided
*Lyra took her first step - though I am pretty sure it was an accident!
*Lyra learned to climb stairs on her first attempt and now 'runs' up them
*Daddy taught Lyra to go downstairs backwards
*Finally Lyra is now a very confident sitter!

Eating and Drinking
*We started to order Lyra her own meals when we eat out. She has been keen on this idea and has devoured a whole under 10s meal at Nandos and eaten a half size adult meal at the River Cottage Canteen.
*Lyra has started not to ask for mummy-milk feeds if we're out and about.
*Lyra has become a lot more determined and less messy with her eating.
*Lyra has learned to remove her bib....
*Lyra ate her first Milky Way (in under a minute).

*Lyra said her first word 'Dada' and has started to use 'Mum' regularly.
*Lyra waves her hands when something makes her happy or excited.

Management are very pleased with Lyra's progress this month, in particular the fact that she has moved from being the world's quietest baby to saying her first words since last month. We feel that she has reached the age of three quarters with style and panache and look forward to charting next month's progress at her next review.

Pooky Hesmondhalgh, Line Manager

Eight Month Review

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