Still The Moment

By mikelee

Those Were The Days

This was part of the glorious past. When the hill was full of houses mostly made in wood or sheet metal, these concrete houses were simply the best. Now all the wooden or metal houses have been gone for a long time. What still remains well is only in those locals' memories.

When I moved into the area as my home, it's already a multi-storey building. I just heard about its past from my friend who used to live here as a kid. I believe it was a much exciting place especially for kids to explore. I heard that dogs were everywhere too. It might be like a small village on the hill. All the villagers know each other. Quite a different world from what we experience now.

Now we can only find these deserted houses. One looks like a crude storeroom for the park security guards (I saw a guard putting something inside.) and one is plain dead.

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