One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Like a delicate little flower

impaled on a length of rusty barbed wire.

I had to find an image to illustrate my first day back at work, after a 10 day break...

I believe that there is some sort of universal balance thingy in the cosmos.
Yesterday I experienced an above average amount of joy.
Today I am punished with an extraordinary amount of pain.

I have added totally unapproved links to yesterday's trip to the Mecca of any self-respecting blipper: the trip of a life time to Embra, to meet real blippers in their natural habitat, populated with zoom lenses, meaty bodies, red rimmed fine glass and Crumpler bags.

It was great to meet you all.
Some of you I have known for years, it is just that until yesterday we had never met...

Raheny "little flower" Eye

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