My Montreal

By snaity

Happy birthday to me!!

I love birthdays, I love the build up, the excitement, the anticipation. Watching the post for your cards and touching all the parcels that come to feel for shape, size and weight.
Invariably I build myself up in to such a frenzy that the day itself is an anti climax and by mid afternoon I am in a sulk that nobody cares as much as they should and everybody hates me! Childish, me? Maybe a little ;-)
But today, today was different. I woke up and my husband was still home, I got to open my presents with all my family before he left for work. I went down to visit an old friend I haven't seen in nearly 10 years and it was great to catch up, she made me cakes and even served one up with a candle while 5 boys screamed happy birthday at the top of their lungs, so many people wished me happy birthday through the day and I had a great meal with my family this evening. It may not sound much to anyone else but I have had the best day and will be going to bed with a happy smile, no sulk ;-)

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