Rodents rule

By squirk

Whisky's Routine

This is a Cat that likes Routine. What should happen is this:

1. F comes home - Cat is fed
2. I come home
3. After dinner, Cat herds us into the living room and onto the sofa where Cat takes position for most of the night
4. Cat gets off sofa and goes behind open door to await a game of Mouse
5. Cat goes out after eating remains of his dinner
6. Cat herds us to bed to become my Cat Hat

However, last night I was out and came back late, and tonight F has new gadgets from Apple that he HAS to play with. As F unwrapped the exciting gifts to himself, I blipped the look on Whisky's face. He's not happy that the Routine has not been followed, though he did play a game of Mouse shortly after.

Cat has just gone out after eating remains of his dinner...

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