the sixth land

By sixthland

Sainsburys, 10:11am

Took a day off work as we had a plumber booked in to install a radiator in the kitchen but he didn't show. Turns out he thought he was coming on Thursday 17th. Egg on face for him when I told him today was in fact the 17th. So now I've got to take the morning off as well so we can have the radiator installed. Needs to be done though, it's getting cold!

Also took the cat to the vet and unfortunately she's got Hyperthyroidism and will have to take medication for the rest of her life. It's quite common apparently though at 9 years the vet says she's a bit young. Poor little thing was put under so the vet could take blood and clean her teeth. Right as rain now, I think.

After the vet we had plenty of time to go to the supermarket which was as quiet as I've ever known it - where are all the pensioners?

Then we did some other stuff and some more things happened and when I downloaded my camera I'd only taken one shot, so that's today's blip.

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