Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Not sleepy?

Last night Kerr was awake between 11.30pm and 1.30am, which is not like him at all. He was sitting up in bed and sobbing, so we brought him through to our room in the hope that he would fall asleep. He was having none of it, and thought he was in our bed to play! I'm hoping it's teething related or just a one off, but so far tonight he has already been a bit unsettled and is often standing at the end of his cot when we go in, like a little wizard in his big sleeping bag :-)

Busy day here. We took Grandpa (my dad) to a hospital appointment in the morning, then Grandad Hoppy came to visit us this afternoon after his retirement lunch at a local restaurant. I really must try to remember to take my camera out and about with me more during the day. Too many of my recent blips have been hastily taken at home in the early evening when I realise I haven't taken any photos all day. Must try harder!

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