Daughter A's Birthday
This little mother has been fossicking in our garden for a few days and building this little nest. I feel quite proud that she has been able to find everything needed and is comfortable to make our garden her home. We will watch eagerly to see how she gets on.
It brings me back to memories of Daughter A, who turns 19 today. She was always the 'little explorer' in our family. At the age of 4yrs she wouldn't leave the house without a supermarket bag to put any collectables we might find along our way. Gumboots and supermarket bag in hand we would be on our way - happy as ever. Leaves, stones, driftwood, pinecones were amongst some of the things collected. We would visit parks, beaches, farms, reserves and Grandmas house, talking non-stop and enjoying every minute. When we got home sometimes the stones were painted, leaves and driftwood were arranged in her room and then she would wait for her father to come home from work to show him her collectables of the day.
As she grew she didn't collect the same but instead recorded by taking photos and instigating family road trips. These road trips always had delicious food items packed into the chilly bin. She enjoyed the family time and still does, perhaps even more so now that she is at University and no longer living at home.
Tonight we are celebrating Daughter A's birthday with a family dinner.
Happy Birthday Daughter A!!
We love you and are so proud of you, our 'little explorer' who is growing up and forever learning.
Love Mum and Dad and Daughter E.
PS Perhaps not the photo she would pick, but still very much enjoying the environment and what it has to offer :)
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