'im indoors

By imindoors

Joy and Necessity.

Nectarines are, by a distance, my favourite fruit, although I would rate grapes, when eaten with cheese, even higher. But, as an unaccompanied fruit, the nectarine takes the biscuit (the biscuit being a turn of phrase here and not an accompaniment, if you see what I mean).......hmmm, just remembered the water melon.....no, still the nectarine.
Anyway, most foods will give me slight indigestion (a problem with the diaphragm in my gullet, apparently) especially citrus fruit. Actually, I'm not even sure the nectarine is a citrus fruit, but, whatever it is, it will give me indigestion. This means a Rennie has to follow the nectarine a few minutes later.
I will be very surprised if anyone has managed to get to the end of this ramble without collapsing with boredom, but if you have, thanks for perservering.

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