GeeCee's blips

By grandecheese


This, or something like this, has been my work environment for the past 25 years. Currently, I'm sharing a room - for the first time in 25 years - with a colleague and that's a pleasant change, if not a bit disturbing at times.

The technology might change, the view from the window might differ but the desk, filing cabinets and shelves have altered little. The view from the window right now is somewhat restricted by the beech tree outside which is in full leaf; so I'll leave a view from the window for another occasion - autumn yellows and browns might look good.

It would be satisfying to be able to state that all my best work was done at this desk, but that would not be true. Most of that has been done on trains, buses, walking, in the middle of the night when woken from sleep, early in the morning when I've got up so that I don't wake anyone else up, in the kitchen, in the bathroom - most anywhere ... except this desk. However it's been at this desk that the thought has been most often translated into action and constructive output. So if a plaque were going to be put up - it would have to be on the end of this desk.

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